With this simple Swiss cheese CNC lamp you can illuminate your room with dozens of shapes.
With this simple Swiss cheese CNC lamp, you can illuminate your room with dozens of shapes.
World music passionate and interior designer Mikael Hansson decided to create a unique lamp for his apartment. In his works, he always tries to emulate natural organic shapes, so this time, he wanted it to cast shadows that would remind him of planets floating in the universe.
He also decided to manufacture his lamp from plywood to achieve a more natural feel of the object and make it similar to folk crafts. Check out how Mikael did it and download free source files to manufacture an amazing lamp just like this one yourself.
The design and shapes prepared for cutting in plywood were inspired by… holes in a Swiss cheese. The 2D drawing was added to a 3D model of the lamp and then transformed into G-codes with free Voxelizer software.
ZMorph multitool 3D printer mounted with a CNC PRO milling toolhead was later used for cutting the shapes in plywood. The material was glued with a double-sided tape to the machine’s table so it wouldn’t move during cutting.
The front and back covers were also closed so the sawdust wouldn’t scatter around the workshop and Mikael had to wear protective goggles all the time.
ZMorph helped in manufacturing very precise plywood parts with complex round shapes on them. After CNC cutting of six walls with a Swiss cheese pattern along with top and bottom of the lamp, Mikael was able to put everything together without using any kind of glue. Every part fitted perfectly.
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Mikael created a very impressive and unique interior design element. It shows its true beauty after sunset when the Swiss cheese inspired universe floats around the dark room. Have a look at the photos - this lamp is magical!
Mikael released the source files for his Swiss cheese CNC lamp on Designfutures website, where you can download them for free.
Also, check out the video below for a tutorial on how to make this awesome CNC-cut lamp on your ZMorph multitool 3D printer mounted with a CNC PRO milling toolhead.
For more tutorial videos, tips and tricks visit ZMorph Knowledge Base.
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