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Zmorph i500 firmware 1.3.1 (machines delivered before the end of October 2022)

How to update the firmware on Zmorph i500:

  1. Create a catalog 'updates' on a USB flash drive and drag the Zmorph update file (.raucb format). You can download the update file here.
  2. The machine should be turned off. Insert the USB flash drive into the USB slot (near the right top corner of the LCD screen).
  3. Turn on the machine, after that, a screen with updates will pop up. Select "Yes' to proceed with the update procedure (if you don't manage to do it in 10 seconds, the machine will skip the update menu, in this case, reboot the machine to repeat the update procedure).
  4. Select the update file from the list and select 'ok' to confirm the update.
  5. The update will take a few minutes. After a while, the machine will turn on and inform about the successful update procedure.
  6. The machine is ready to work.



  • Maintenance menu entry: ELECTRIC DOOR LOCK.
  • Automatic door close on print start.
  • Automatic door lock release on finished or aborted print.
  • Added move axes menu.
  • Guards on movement - until homed, no movement is allowed.
  • Removed operator panel for user and added Utilities - sending custom gcodes, logs from z probe.
  • Fixed timeouts during calibrate Z procedure.
  • Fixed timeouts during AFLS heating procedure.
  • Added exclamation mark in virtual keyboard.
  • Added post abort procedure.
  • Secure extruding/retracting if tool temperature isn't at least 150°C
  • Changed "Pause / Abort" button text.
  • Menu "Maintenance / Move Axes" adjustment in "printing" and "post print" machine states.
  • Fixed decimal points in temperature and position readings.
  • Increased heating timeout time in the "Automatic Z offset calibration" procedure from 3 minutes to 6 minutes.
  • "AFLS control" tab adjustment.
  • Fixed bug, where AFLS load/replace/unload procedure couldn't reach the target temperature and went into timeout state.
  • Corrected max. temperature values for hotbed & extruders control in "Temperature Settings".
  • Added guards in "Maintenance/Move Axes" to prevent moving outside the safe work area.
  • "Home/Filament", "Home/Calibration", "Home/Choose File" tabs adjustment while printing and in "post print" state.
  • Changed "Initial condition violation" AFLS warning.
  • Removed possibility to reprint in "post print" state.
  • Changed 'Done' button color in "post print" state.
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Zmorph FAB 1.0.4 firmware and LCD update


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