Make sure your 3D printer’s firmware is up to date and check out the latest stories on our blog. Here's ZMorph Digest #17!
Firmware update
Download the latest version of firmware for ZMorph 2.0 SX named GG. It fixes Touch Probe and calibration issues, improves bed leveling, Z axis positioning, and more. The latest version of firmware always guarantees the best possible quality of your works.
Firmware update - ZMorph Digest #17
Medical 3D printing
We gathered some of the most mind-blowing medical 3D printing applications that are already changing lives for better. It’s full of very inspiring stories!
Source: Pixabay
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Antique 3D printed gun
We 3D printed a replica of an 18th-century gun using Bronzefill and Woodfill filaments. Results are just stunning, especially the level of detail on metal-like parts, so go ahead and have a look for yourself.
Source: Get Models Now
3D printing in education
From teaching the process of trial and error to shaping up the next generations, we take a closer look at various applications of 3D printing in education. Every parent and teacher should read this article.
Source: Project Lead the Way
Customized Arduino cases
In this use case, we combined 3D printing and CNC milling to create unique Arduino cases that can be used for various electronics projects - from gaming to home interiors. Check the results on our blog.
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