CNC carving in wood and similar materials opens a lot of possibilities for art or customization. This easily machinable material is one of the most popular choices for CNC milling. Read more.
CNC carving in wood and similar materials opens a lot of possibilities for art or customization. This easily machinable material is one of the most popular choices for CNC milling. Read more.
Wood is without a doubt one of the most popular materials for CNC milling, mainly thanks to its availability and ease of machining. That being said, there are various types of wood that differ from each other with hardness and density. We distinguish two main categories - hardwood and softwood.
As we’ve mentioned before, wood is rather easy to machine. However, because there are various types of wood available and each is different in terms of density or hardness, it’s not possible to provide the ultimate and always working settings for this type of material. Below you can find some good practices which will make CNC machining wood much easier if you’ve never done that before.
While you import your project to Voxelizer you can see that there is a preset for wood available. These settings should work well in most cases but sometimes you’ll need to twitch working speed or other parameters according to your needs.
Good workpiece holding is one of the keys to success. Therefore, you should always check if the material is properly mounted on the CNC worktable. Use clamps to tightly secure a woodblock. Otherwise, a loose part of the material can cause damage to the nearest surroundings and people standing nearby. Not to mention the destroyed project.
Check our online store for a wide variety of end mills for wood carving.
We said it before and we’ll say it again: close the plastic covers of ZMorph VX while CNC milling anything. Loose chips and other small particles may damage surrounding objects or people. If you need to open the covers while the machine is at work - use protective goggles.
If you’re doing a bigger project, vacuum the inside of the machine every now and then.
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Wood is commonly used for art projects, furniture, prototypes, and others. Below you can see some samples of CNC machined wood.
Freshly machined wood will be covered in chips and there’s a risk of hurting yourself on splinters. Otherwise, this is a safe, non-toxic material.
Do not touch the machine while it’s operating. ZMorph VX works at high speeds and you can get injured by doing so. Any loose elements of your clothing or long hair can get tangled in the working toolhead so pay attention to them and don’t let that happen.
ZMorph VX All-in-One 3D Printer offers compatibility with almost 50 engineering materials for subtractive and additive manufacturing. Check the ZMorph Materials Library to learn about all of them. The library includes technical data, most important features, and sample applications. You can download it for free.
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