Detailed, hand-painted 3D printed copies of antique furniture arranged into realistic miniature interiors.
Detailed, hand-painted 3D printed copies of antique furniture arranged into realistic miniature interiors.
Museums often decide to make copies and replicas of their exhibits for security reasons but more often just to allow their visitors to interact with objects without damaging the original pieces. This process is time-consuming and expensive, but companies like Get Models Now are changing that by using 3D printing and advanced post-production to recreate valuable, historic objects.
The Museum of Applied Arts, part of the National Museum in Poznan, Poland, asked experts from Get Models Now to create a series of miniature objects and arrange them into miniature interiors. Using 3D scanning they were able to digitize authentic furniture and decorations from Baroque, Rococo, and Biedermeier historic periods. Once scaled down, the objects were then printed with eco-friendly materials using ZMorph 2.0 SX multitool 3D printer.
Post-production was a crucial stage of this project. After sanding and polishing of 3D printed objects, they were all painted to resemble the original objects. Even the smallest details were hand-painted on the models for authenticity.
Painted objects were then placed in small sceneries resembling actual interiors from these three periods of time. Miniature interiors include 3D printed wardrobes, desks, couches, chairs, tables, and smaller decorations like vases and candlesticks.
Sceneries built by the experts from Get Models Now are already on display in the Museum of Applied Arts in Poznan, next to the original pieces. Their role is to give the visitors a better understanding of the period and how applied arts evolved over time.
Thanks to 3D printing, museums can not only preserve their exhibits but also make them more available to the visitors at a fraction of previous costs. People can interact with real-life replicas of antique objects or learn history through miniature interiors like these made by Get Models Now.
This unique case study shows how modern technology gives us new tools to preserve our heritage.
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